1. | BOERES, M. C. S.; OLIVEIRA, R. S. C. ; FALBO, R.. Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Graduação em Ciência da Computação. 2006. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
1. | CATABRIGA, L.; COUTINHO, A. L. G. A. ; FRANCA, L. P.. Evaluating the LCD Algorithm for Solving Linear Systems of Equations Arising from Implicit SUPG Formulation of Compressible Flows. 2003. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
2. | CATABRIGA, L.; COUTINHO, A. L. G. A. ; T. Tezduyar. Finite Element SUPG Parameters Computed from Local DOF-Matrices for Compressible Flows. 2003. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
3. | CATABRIGA, L.; COUTINHO, A. L. G. A. ; VALLI, A. M. P.. Finite Element SUPG Parameters Computed From Local Edge Matrices for Compressible Flows. 2003. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
4. | MAURI, G. R.; SOUZA, M. J. F.. Resolução do problema de programação de tripulações de um sistema de transporte público via simulated annealing. DECOM 02/2003 - UFOP. 2003. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
1. | MAURI, G. R.; SOUZA, M. J. F.. Problema da programação da tripulação de um sistema de transporte público via simulated annealing. DECOM 02/2002 - UFOP. 2002. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
*itens sem ano
1. | AMARAL, A. R. S.. Membro do Comitê de Programa da 4a. Semana de Matemática Industrial da UFC (SeMI). 2015.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
2. | AMARAL, A. R. S.. Membro do Comitê de Programa da Semana do 2o. Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada à Industria (CNMAI 2015). 2015.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
3. | AMARAL, A. R. S.. Membro do Comitê de Programa do 1o. Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (ERMAC Regional 2). 2015.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
4. | AMARAL, A. R. S.. Parecer para a CAPES como Consultor ad hoc.. 2012.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
5. | Catabriga, L.. Parecer para o CNPq como Consultor ad hoc. 2010.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
6. | Catabriga, L.. Parecer para o CNPq como Consultor ad hoc. 2011.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
7. | KROHLING, R. A.. Chair for the session ?Evolutionary Methodologies? - WSC14 - Online World Conference on Soft Computing. 2009.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
8. | KROHLING, R. A.. Chair for the session ?Particle Swarm Optimization? - WSC13 - Online World Conference on Soft Computing. 2008.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
9. | KROHLING, R. A.. Chair for the session ?Soft Computing for Modeling, Control, and Optimization? - WSC15 - Online World Conference on Soft Computing. 2010.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
10. | KROHLING, R. A.. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation - CEC´12. 2012.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
11. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee and Special Session Organizer of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium SIS-06, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Mai. 2006.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
12. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the "14th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications". 2009.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
13. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the Genetic and Evolutionary Conference GECCO-2003, Real World Applications. 2003.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
14. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the Genetic and Evolutionary Conference GECCO-2004, Real World Applications. 2004.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
15. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the Genetic and Evolutionary Conference GECCO-2005. 2005.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
16. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2002, Hawaii, USA. 2002.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
17. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2003, Australia,. 2003.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
18. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2004. 2004.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
19. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2005, Edinbrgh. 2005.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
20. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2006. 2006.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
21. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC-2007. 2007.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
22. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC´13. 2013.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
23. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC´14. 2014.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
24. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC´15. 2015.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
25. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN-2007. 2007.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
26. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium SIS-07, Hawai, USA, April. 2007.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
27. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium SIS-08, Missouri, USA, september. 2008.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
28. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium SIS03, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, April 24-26. 2003.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
29. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, IEEE SSCI 2013. 2013.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
30. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN14. 2014.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
31. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN15. 2015.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
32. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the WSC13 - World Conference on Soft Computing. 2008.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
33. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the WSC15 - World Conference on Soft Computing. 2010.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
34. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the WSC16 - World Conference on Soft Computing. 2011.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
35. | KROHLING, R. A.. Member of the Program Committee of the WSC17 - World Conference on Soft Computing and industrial computation. 2012.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |
36. | Krohling, R.A.. Member of the Program Committee of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN09 - Atlanta, USA, June. 2009.. . 0. [ busca Google | busca Bing ] |